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Monday, March 21, 2011

The Negativity Bin

Book launch and works on paper exhibition

The SWICH Contemporary Art Space is pleased to announce that we are hosting 'The Negativity Bin', a joint launch of works on paper by Ipswich artist Jodie Weller and Woodend poet, B.R. Dionysius’s latest chapbook, 'The Negativity Bin'.

'The Negativity Bin' is a single, 40 page poem, written by Brett Dionysius who currently works in the English department at Ipswich Grammar School, that follows a series of unemployed/underemployed characters involved in compulsory job search training under the Howard government in the late 1990s. The book’s title, “The Negativity Bin” refers to a shoddy psychological method employed by Job Search providers where participants were asked to dump their negative feelings and words into a square or ‘bin’ drawn onto a whiteboard.

Jodie Weller, who also teaches art at the Ipswich Grammar School, is exhibiting her works on paper, drawings and lino reliefs, forms a series of work based on real female characters. Some are historical and iconic, some tragic and some are influenced by Jodie’s own experiences.

Exhibition dates
Tuesday 22 March to Saturday 9 April, 2011

Gallery hours are
Tue-Fri 9am-4pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

07 3281 9192

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