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Friday, December 24, 2010


We would like to take this opportunity, as we approach the close of 2010, to sincerely thank all the artists and designers that have been involved with our gallery and other projects throughout the year as well as all the kind and wonderful people that have supported us in various ways - loaning us stuff, giving us stuff, building us stuff, washing up for us (thanks Brent), lots of hugs, coming to all of our opening night events and visiting our gallery.

We have thoroughly enjoyed meeting you all and we treasure the new friendships we have made. As always we believe that fostering connections between artists and the wider community is vital in changing perceptions of our environment and identity and we will continue to host regular opening night events and other special events to further to encourage a collaborative arts community in the Ipswich region.

We wish you and your families a very happy and safe SWICHMAS and New Year.

LeAnne & Gil

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